Ricardo Dal Farra
Canada - Argentina
Professor of electronic arts and music at Concordia University, Canada. Director-Founder of the Center for Experimentation and Research in Electronic Arts (CEIARTE) of UNTREF, Argentina. Director of the Balance-Unbalance (BunB – https://www.facebook.com/balanceunbalance) focused on finding solutions to the problems of the global environmental crisis, and Understanding Visual Music (UVM – https://www.facebook.com/UVMvisualmusic). He has been director of the Hexagram Center for Research-Creation in Media Arts and Technologies of Canada; coordinator of the Multimedia Communication Area of the Ministry of Education of Argentina; researcher at the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Center of De Montfort University in England; coordinator of the international alliance DOCAM – Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage; senior consultant at the Amauta Center for Art and New Media in Cusco, Peru; and researcher at UNESCO, France, for his Digi-Arts project. He co-designed the Bachelor's Degree in Electronic Arts at UNTREF, and the Technical Degree in Music Production at the ORT Technical School, in Argentina. Creator of the Latin American Electroacoustic Music Collection hosted by the Daniel Langlois Foundation in Montreal (http://www.fondation-langlois.org/html/e/page.php?NumPage=556). His works have been presented in more than 40 countries. He has received awards and commissions from the International Computer Music Association, the Bienal Internacional de Artes de São Paulo, Brazil, the Concours International de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges, France, and the Centro di Sonologia Computazionale of the University of Padova, Italy, among others. He is a member of the board of directors of ISEA International, a member of the advisory board of the Fulldome Festival in Jena, Germany, and a full member of the Colegio de Compositores Latinoamericanos de Música de Arte. He is also a member of the editorial board of Leonardo (MIT Press), Oganised Sound (Cambridge Press), Resonance (UCalifornia Press) and ArtNodes (UOC-Spain), among other prestigious publications. He holds a PhD in the Study and Practice of the Arts, post-doctorate in Art-Science - Applied Transdiscipline and Innovation. https://www.facebook.com/ricardo.d.farra