Ricardo Dal Farra

Ricardo Dal Farra

Canada – Argentina

Ph.D. interdisciplinary in arts (UQAM). He is Associate Director of the Hexagram Center for Research-Creation in Media Arts and Technologies and Professor in the Department of Music at Concordia University, Canada; and founding director of the Center for Experimentation and Research in Electronic Arts (CEIArtE) of the National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina.

He has been coordinator of the Multimedia Communication Area of the Ministry of Education of Argentina; associate researcher at the Music Technology and Innovation Research Center at De Montfort University in England; senior consultant at the Amauta Center for Art and New Media in Cusco, Peru; coordinator of the international project DOCAM – Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage; and researcher and consultant for UNESCO, France, on media arts issues.

His electroacoustic music/electronic art works have been performed in more than 40 countries. Recordings of his music appear in 20 international editions, including CDs published by Computer Music Journal and Leonardo Music Journal (MIT Press). Among others, he has received awards and commissions from the São Paulo International Biennial of Arts, Brazil and the International Computer Music Association.

Main research projects: Balance-Unbalance (electronic arts and climate change); 'art! ⋈ climate' with the Red Cross Climate Centre; Understanding Visual Music; Electronic Arts Education in Latin America; Resonant Body (collective body + 3D sound spatialization); Latin American Electroacoustic Music Collection with The Daniel Langlois Foundation.
