Ricardo Dal Farra

Ricardo Dal Farra

Canada – Argentina

PhD in Study and Practice of the Arts, UQAM-Canada. Composer and multimedia artist. Associate Director of the Hexagram-Concordia Center for Research/Creation in Media Arts and Technology and Professor at Concordia University, Canada, and Director of the Center for Experimentation and Research in Electronic Arts (CEIArtE) at the National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina.

He has been a consultant to UNESCO, France; director of the Multimedia Communication Area of the Ministry of Education of the Nation in Argentina, and coordinator of DOCAM-Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage in Canada. His electroacoustic works have been presented in more than 40 countries and recorded in 20 international editions. He created the Electroacoustic Music Archive of Latin American Composers at The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology.
