Ricardo Cantor Bossa
Film and Television Producer from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Specialist in Market Intelligence from Universidad de los Andes and Master in Cultural Management from Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. He has been executive producer on the feature films El resquicio (Colombia/Argentina, 2012, Cabecitanegra Producciones/Rizoma), his first feature film, world premiered at the Busan International Film Festival in South Korea; La semilla del silencio (Colombia, 2015, Chapinero Films); and Antes del olvido (Mexico/Colombia, 2018, Ciudad Cinema/Chapinero Films). With 14 years of experience in the audiovisual sector as a film producer and cultural manager, he has contributed to the strengthening of the country's audiovisual ecosystem from the Ministry of Culture, Proimágenes Colombia, the Cinemateca de Bogotá, the Colombian Film Heritage Foundation, the Bogotá Audiovisual Market (BAM) and Encuentros Cartagena.