M. Ramírez-Galleguillos, A. Coşkun
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Maria Laura Ramirez: Ph.D. student in KUAR Design Lab under the Design, Technology, and Society program and part of the IxD Research Group. Her research is focused on promoting and supporting meaningful interactions between people from culturally different backgrounds in public places. She received her bachelor's degree in business engineering and her master's degree in Innovation and Design at Adolfo Ibáñez University, Chile. Her research interests are social innovation, creativity skills, co-creation, PD, design research methods.
Aykut Coskun: Assistant Professor of Design at Koç University, design researcher at KUAR and head of the IxD Research Group. He received his B.Sc. M.Sc. and Ph.D. from METU Department of Industrial Design. He attended CMU Human-Computer Interaction Institute in 2015 as a Fulbright Visiting Researcher. His research focuses on design for behavioral change, design for sustainability, and design for wellbeing.