Presentation ECLAC project: Digital Animation. Partnership strategies to strengthen the sector

Presentation ECLAC project: Digital Animation. Partnership strategies to strengthen the sector

This project arises within the framework of the "Study of the national digital animation value chain and its linkage potential with regional value chains" developed by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) with the support of the Commission Union within the framework of a cooperation program called "Better policies for micro, small and medium-sized companies in Latin America".

The general objective is to design policy proposals for the strengthening of a regional value chain belonging to the orange economy, which implies analyzing the national and regional functioning of the digital animation sector in Panama, Costa Rica and Colombia to later propose a program of strengthening the chain and the productive policy in which it is inserted. The final purpose will be to promote innovation and the national and intraregional productive chain, and to strengthen intra-Central American trade in services.

ECLAC guests: Marco Dini & Leda Peralta Quesada.

Special guest: Sylvie Duran.

Participants by country:

Panama. Business and entrepreneurship sector: Luis Carlos Caballero, Edwin Vargas, Rita Rios, Hector Gil & Ferdinand Toussaint. institutional sector: Shalima Murillo.

Costa Rica. Business and entrepreneurship sector: Alfredo Moraga Carvajal, Andre Infante, Ruth Angulo, Carlos Enrique Figueroa, Roberto Guillen, Oliver Zuniga, Johnny Corrales, Christian Vargas, Nella Gomis, Carlos Redondo, jose ulloa, daniel rodriguez, Adolfo Andrade, Santiago Salas, Mario Porras Barroeta & diego herrer. Academic sector: Adolfo Andrade Mendez.

Colombia. Lola Barreto & Ricardo Arce Lopez.
