Paz Tornero

Paz Tornero


Paz Tornero has a degree in Fine Arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, a Master's in Digital Arts from the Pompeu Fabra University. Visiting Researcher at Harvard University in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences and at MIT, Media Lab. She gives seminars, workshops, conferences and writes articles on technological art, art-science and technological dance.

PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid with the highest Cum Lauden qualification for a thesis that investigates the fields of art, technology and science. Entitled The Technologies of Creativity: Contemporary Art and Science Connections, it analyzes new forms of art that incorporate technological and scientific aspects, for example, those artists who work in biology or study virtual environments and robotics in favor of innovation and the creativity.

She has been a visiting professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, the University of Murcia (Spain), a teacher and researcher at the Private Technical University of Loja and is currently a professor at the San Francisco de Quito University, Ecuador.
From this university, he coordinates the Andino Research Group, a symbiosis between practice and artistic-scientific theory and the Andean worldview.
