paulina martinez

paulina martinez


Her artistic research has been developed mainly in the area of video performance, where she explores the possibilities of generating dislocations in behaviors and uses of space, introducing strangeness and the absurd. On the other hand, since her training as a Community Psychologist, she has deepened in collaborative artistic practices, developing methodological and theoretical proposals that encourage a critical and creative participation of communities. Integrating participatory methodologies and the paradigm of Community Psychology with the ways of seeing and problematizing Contemporary Art.

Selected in the "Convocatoria Nacional de Adquisición de Obras de Artes Visuales 2020" with the video performance "Lazo" (Chile, 2020). Finalist in the "Juan Downey International Competition in the line of Video Art and Animation" (National Museum of Fine Arts, Chile, 2020). And with several group exhibitions in Santiago, Chile.  She has participated in different Residencies, developing projects that connect art and community, such as Ideas de Resistencia (Villa Alegre, Chile, 2020), Llegó de Melinka (Aysén, Chile, 2019), Chanquin@s a escena (Chanco, Chile, 2018), Usted está Aquí: vinculaciones desde el juego entre arte y comunidad (Santiago, Chile, 2018) and COMUNITARIA (Lincoln, Argentina, 2017). 

In addition, she is interested in research, seeking to deepen the theoretical field on collaborative artistic practices that she has developed. Participating in the 3rd International Meeting of Reflection on Community Art Practices (EIRPAC) with the paper Chanquin@s a Escena: possibilities of encounter in storytelling (Porto, Portugal, 2019) and in the 7th International Conference of Community Psychology (ICPC) with the paper Mapeo Matero: Experience of linking Contemporary Art and work with communities (Santiago, Chile, 2018).

