Reactive Landscapes
hicham Berrada / France
Colombia-France Year
A reactant is a substance that produces a chemical reaction when it interacts with another. The result is a product with different characteristics and properties. The reagents are the basis for many activities related to applied sciences and, on many occasions, they are used to detect or separate certain elements. They are classified according to their purity or their specific use: reagents for analysis that are of lower purity, very pure and special used for analysis techniques. Hicham Berrada has transferred its use to the field of art, displacing it from science and technology to a visual sphere, where experimentation becomes the center of the work, devoid of hypotheses to verify or substances to reveal. The scientific knowledge that Berrada applies in his visual experiments is naturally tied to his artistic practice, in the same way that a painter is involved with supports, pigments and binders.
Hicham Berrada will hold a workshop for artists, based on his artistic practice, at a crossroads between science and art.