On the Cohesion of an Electronic Device Ensemble

On the Cohesion of an Electronic Device Ensemble

Miguel Vargas, Andres Saldarriaga and Fredy Alzate / Colombia                              
Metropolitan Technological Institute, ITM 
miguelito.vargasf@gmail.com, jandreus87@gmail.com, fredyalzate@itm.edu.co  

The use of DIY methods in the guidance of students in their own formation process are just as important as any research process now days, the access to open information and technology are growing at a fast rate and with a bit of a tinkering mind the periods of time it may take to build your own embedded acoustic instrument (Berdahl, 2014) is widely lessened with the technology available such as 3D printers or raspberry pi's. Contemporary practices like network music become also more accessible thanks to the advance of the possible communication protocols and device robustness; in less than 40 years if we count from those experiments with low level assembler for hacking a chip and serial protocol for its communication (Gresham-Lancaster, 1998) to interfacing a couple of raspberry pi's through OSC protocol.

This paper summarizes the process of cohesion of an electronic device ensemble where students and researchers live new expression practices throughout the use and misuse of technology, enhancing music interpretation and ensemble robustness through the practice of network music.
