Omar Dario Cardona

Omar Dario Cardona


Associate Professor in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation at the Institute of Environmental Studies of the National University of Colombia, in Manizales, CEO of INGENIAR: Risk Intelligence and advisor to the IDB, the World Bank, and UN agencies . He is a former director of the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management of Colombia. He has been Lead Coordinating Author and Editor Reviewer for the IPCC SREX and AR5 and is currently a member of ISO/TCs on Disaster Reduction and Resilience. He is a Fellow of the ICA. In 2004 he received the UN Sasakawa Prize for his contributions to international disaster risk assessment and management. He has degrees in civil engineering from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales campus, postgraduate studies in earthquake engineering and disaster risk management at IZIIS, Skopje, Oxford Brookes, UK, Colorado State University, Fort Collings, and a Ph.D. . at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona.
