Nicolas Restrepo Henao

Nicolas Restrepo Henao


Teacher Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo

Industrial Designer and Master in Administration (MBA), with more than 33 years of professional and work experience as a Designer. Nicolas Restrepo Henao has deployed his talent in a wide range of projects. His trajectory covers diverse roles, from DREAMER (Dreamer - Realist - Critic) in the development of projects and products, to the performance as advisor and consultant in areas of project management and technology.

He has been a strategist in large, medium and small scale companies, working closely with a variety of professionals, from administrators to musicians. In his teaching career, which he has held since 1996, he has held positions ranging from professor to academic director in higher education institutions, designing academic programs and sharing his experience with new generations.

Currently, he is dedicated to project management in research and technological development, both in the private and state sectors.
