Naked in paradise

Naked in paradise

Luc Courchesse

NAKED IN PARADISE is a virtual reality installation that exposes the life and works of the artist Luc Courchesne as an archive built, more or less arbitrarily, by the computer. The explorable space of the archive, with fully functional versions of his early interactive works such as PORTRAIT ONE (1990), straddles two polarities: the Future, a dark space where light has yet to penetrate, and the Past, bathing in light. . At the periphery, the explorable space is a featureless white cloud (in the distant past) and a dark cloud (in the far future that extends beyond what can be imagined). In between, the cozy familiarity of a present that exposes the life of the artist from his birth to the present, an important aspect of the space is that it can be arranged and rearranged by computer algorithms in real time on demand. The title, NUDE IN PARADISE, expresses the pleasure of exposing large amounts of information and allowing the whole to be embraced - it is also ideal for diving in and exploring any of the discrete elements. In its current form, the VR Database can be downloaded as a Unity3D build for the current generation of head-mounted floppies. theater plays.
