«Women Cooks of Ideas»

«Women Cooks of Ideas»

Carlos Alberto Molano Monsalve / Katherine Andrea Vidal Pino (Colombia)

The interactive mural Mujeres Cocineras de Ideas tells the stories of the women of the Cocinando Ideas collective in the municipality of Ovejas, Sucre. A union of women who are survivors, resilient, and brave. Women who in "The Struggle to Survive" chop, cut, peel, serve, cry, smile and narrate. Empowered women who gather around experiences and resistances around the kitchen, resignifying this space in the process of construction and deconstruction of being a woman.

As a therapy that helps to move forward, to learn and to heal through food, thus creating sustenance for the families of the women cooks. Because in a kitchen, not only food is prepared, but also ideas are chopped, stories are mixed, projects are sweetened and PACES are cooked.
All this is presented through a primitivist mural that envelops you, not only with its images, but also with audios.

Thus, the exhibition takes place in a square space that projects the digitized mural, accompanied by QR codes that allow visitors to listen to the story of the protagonists narrated through their voices using their cell phones and headphones.
