Michael Hurtado
He is a mathematician from the National Engineering University (Lima), technologist, new media artist and poet. He is a professor in the Department of Architecture of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, co-director of Masmédulab: poetry and new media laboratory, FabLearn Fellow at Columbia University, and Fellow of the Electronic Literature Organization. In his research, he addresses human-machine interaction, understood as a collaborative process between natural intelligence and machine intelligence.
His work has been awarded the VIDA16 prize by Fundación Telefónica (2014), he was a speaker at TEDxUniNacionalIngeniería (2018), he participated in Rome Fashion Week 2019 with electronic textile works, and in 2020 he won the first edition of the Hub Musical prize. Chili. His literary work has been published in the anthology Nós da Poesia Vol 08: verbal and visual poems, the I Virtual Show of Visual Poetry, and the TAPER Literary Magazine of Electronic Literature, among other. His electronic poems are part of collections such as the Electronic Literature Collection Vol. 4 and the Cartography of Latin American Digital Literature from the Diego Portales University (Chile).