Melania Olcina

Melania Olcina


Performer, choreographer and video artist. Graduated in Art History at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2009) and Diploma in Contemporary Dance at the Real Conservatorio Profesional Mariemma de Madrid (2008). Currently studying for a Master's Degree in Contemporary Scenic Thought and Creation, FUESCYL. She has won awards and scholarships as a performer in renowned dance festivals. As a performer she has worked with internationally renowned and award-winning artists such as Pedro Berdayes, Jesús Rubio, Teresa Nieto and at the Teatro Real in Madrid whose stage director was Krysztof Warlikowski and choreographed by Claudel Bardouil. She currently works for Sharon Fridman's Company since 2013. As a choreographer, she has choreographed short commissioned pieces such as Organic only (2008) and I have the ambition of an Ant (2015) on the occasion of the 75th Gala of the RCPD Mariemma. 

As a video artist she obtained an honorable mention in the 8th International Video Festival Movimiento 14 (Colombia) with woman on background (2013); the International Unique Prize at the 9th International Festival of video dance, Video Movimiento '15 (Colombia) with galmatopeia (2015); and recently released Homo (2019). As assistant director she worked in the IX South American Olympic Games 2010 and for Sharon Fridman's Company. (2015); Compañía LAMOV, Zaragoza (2016); Ballet Nacional de Paraguay (2016); and Compañía Nacional de Danza, Spain (2016). As a teacher she works in the Proyecto Jóvenes en Movimiento "Trasdanza" promoted by the Asociación de Profesionales de la danza de Madrid (2012-13); and in Blanca Li's Fundación Cultura del Sur (2011-2013).
