Marco Dini

Marco Dini

Economic Affairs Officer 


Graduated in political science at the University of Bologna. He has obtained the Advanced Study Diploma in Economics at the University of Lérida, Spain. 

He has worked for almost 30 years in Latin America, in national (CORFO and SERCOTEC of Chile) and international (UNIDO, FOMIN, UNDP, European Union) institutions. During this period, he has contributed to the design, management and evaluation of promotion programs and policies for the business sector. Likewise, it has participated in the elaboration of technical assistance methodologies and in the realization of professional training activities, with special attention to the issues of clusters, local economic development, business networks, productive chains and supplier development. 

Since 2013, he has been ECLAC's economic affairs officer. His area of work is SMEs and the respective promotion policies implemented by the public sector in Latin America. In this context, it has participated in technical assistance projects in a dozen countries in the region and has contributed to research on policies for innovation and productive articulation. Throughout his career he has published more than thirty articles on the topics of his specialization.
