Manuel Delgado

Manuel Delgado


He holds a degree in Art History and a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Barcelona. Since 1984 he has been a professor of Religious Anthropology at the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Barcelona and coordinator of the doctoral program Anthropology of Space and Territory, as well as its Research Group on Public Spaces. Director of the collections Biblioteca del Ciudadano (at Bellaterra publishing house) and Breus clàssics de l'antropologia? (at Icaria publishing house), he is a member of the board of directors of the journal Quaderns de l'ICA, is a member of the board of directors of the Institut Català d'Antropologia and is a speaker in the Study Commission on immigration in the Parliament of Catalonia. He has worked especially on the construction of collective identities in urban contexts, a subject on which he has published articles in national and foreign journals. He is also editor of the compilations Antropología social (1994), Ciutat i immigració (1997), Inmigración y cultura (2003) and Carrer, festa i revolta (2004), as well as author of the books: De la muerte de un dios (Barcelona, 1986), La ira sagrada (1991), Las palabras de otro hombre (1992), Diversitat i integració (1998), Ciudad líquida, ciudad interrumpida (1999), El animal público (Anagrama Essay Prize, 1999), Luces iconoclastas (Barcelona, 2001), Disoluciones urbanas (2002), Elogi del vianant (2005), Sociedades movedizas (2007) and La ciudad mentirosa (2007).
