«PCCC Manifesto / Colombian Coffee Cultural Landscape»

«PCCC Manifesto / Colombian Coffee Cultural Landscape»

Adriana Gómez Alzate / Juan Carlos Olivares / Fabio Rincón / María Cristina Moreno (Colombia)

OPP Observatory for the sustainability of heritage in landscapes. UNESCO Chair.

Cultural landscapes are the result of the interactions and joint adaptations of nature as means and culture as agents, in a given space and time, which implies a holistic vision of the biocultural heritage as a whole and constitutes an ideal tool to overcome the traditional duality between natural and cultural heritage by incorporating them in an integrating framework.

The proposal to promote a social pact for the integral sustainability of heritage in the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia (CCLC) implies the consolidation of an interdisciplinary, intercultural and intergenerational network that, through transformative actions, contributes to identify and resolve problems and needs related to the appropriation and preservation of the biocultural, urban, rural and landscape heritage of our environments, peoples and territories in the PCCC.

The proposal of a Manifesto from the Observatory for the Sustainability of Heritage in Landscapes (OPP), is to issue a warning against the risk of disappearance of the original conditions that gave it recognition as a World Heritage Site, due to poor management and intensive and inappropriate use of its water and forest resources, as well as the loss of its construction, craft and productive traditions, since, being a cultural landscape with a high biodiversity and a diverse living culture, it is highly vulnerable.
