Lucia Santaella

Lucia Santaella


She is a 1A researcher at CNPq, a tenured professor at PUC-SP. She has been a visiting researcher at several European and Latin American universities. He has published 55 books and organized 32, in addition to the publication of almost 500 articles in Brazil and abroad. He has received the Jabuti Award (2002, 2009, 2011, 2014), the Sergio Motta Award (2005) and the Luiz Beltrão Award (2010).

She is one of the main exponents of the life and thought of Charles Peirce, with more than forty published books. She is a professor at PUCSP for a doctorate in Theory of Literature PUC-SP (1973) and Free Teaching in Communication at ECA/USP (1993). She is the founder of «CSGames TIDD», Research Group in Computing, Semiotics and Games of the postgraduate program in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design PUC-SP Full Professor at PUC-SP. Coordinator of the Postgraduate in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design, Director of CIMID, Center for Research in Digital Media and Coordinator of the Center for Peircean Studies, at PUCSP. He is honorary president of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics and Executive Member of the World Association of Mass Media Semiotics and Global Communication, Mexico, since 2004. He is a Brazilian correspondent for the Argentine Academy of Fine Arts, elected in 2002. He was elected president for the 2007 Charles SY in the case of women. He is also one of the members of the Board of the Peirce Edition Project in Indianapolis, USA and one of the members of the Office of Regional Coordinators of the International Communicology Institute. He was also an associate member of the Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe für Kulturforschung (Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Culture), University of Kassel, 1999-2009.

She received the Jabuti award in 2002, 2009, 2011 and 2014, the Sergio Motta Award, Liber, in Art and Technology, in 2005 and the Luiz Beltrão-academic maturity award, in 2010. She was a visiting professor for the DAAD at the Free University of Berlin, in 1987, at the University of Valencia, in 2004, at the University of Kassel, in 2009, at the University of Évora in 2010 and at the National University of the Arts, Buenos Aires, 2014. She was an associate researcher at the Research Center for Language at Indiana University in repeated stages of research, especially in 1988, by Fulbright, at that same university, he did postdoctoral studies in 1993, by CNPq. Since 1996, he has been pursuing postdoctoral studies in Kassel, Berlin and Dagstuhl, Germany, under the auspices of DAAD / Fapesp. 221 masters and doctors defended their dissertations and theses under his guidance, from 1978 to the present, and he supervised postdocs. He has 41 published books, among which 6 are co-authored and two are critical studies. He also organized the publishing of 12 books. In addition to books, Lucia Santaella has more than 300 articles published in scientific journals in Brazil and abroad. His most recent areas of research are: Communication, Cognitive and Computational Semiotics, Technological Aesthetics, and Philosophy and Methodology of Science.
