Luc Courchesne

Luc Courchesne

He has been involved in the rise of digital arts and media 40 years ago, while as a videographer inspired by a generation of experimental filmmakers like Michael Snow and Hollis Frampton, he embraces computer technologies.

His work focuses on interactive portraiture, a great artistic tradition seeking new expression. His work is part of major collections in North America, Europe and Asia and has been widely shown in galleries and museums around the world, including : the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Tokyo Communications Center (ICC), Paris La Villette, ZKM / Medienmuseum de Karlsruhe, Musée d'art contemporain de Montreal, the National Gallery of Canada, the La Caixa Foundation in Barcelona and the National Museum of Art in Beijing.

Based in Montreal, Luc Courchesne was Professor of Design at the University of Montreal (1989-2013). He is a founding member of the Society for Art and Technology, served as director (2009-2014) and co-director (2014-2017) of Metalab at the SAT, and is now curator of the SAT iX Symposium. A member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, he is represented by the Pierre-François Ouellette art contemporain gallery. He is now engaged in the creation of virtual social worlds with a particular interest in transitions between physical and virtual experiences of space and human interactions.
