Laura Salles

Laura Salles


She is a visual artist working in the area of Art and technology. Artist of recognized trajectory in Brazil in the field of Engraving and emerging artist in the area of Art and technology,with participation in academic, national and international artistic events in the area. Member of the Iberoamerican group Holos participated in the interactive work in NET ART Paisajes Virales, a proposal of the group Holos de Geofonia (Uruguay, Colombia, Brazil, Spain),presented at the international sound show Exposición Internacional de Arte Sonora # HD19, Medellin 2020; .She is Prof. Associate II of the Department of Arts of the UFRN - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.Post-doctorate by Media Lab UFG. General coordinator of the 10 Dimensions Project - Network Dialogues, body, art and technology from June 2011 to 2012, and currently as a Permanent Group at UFRN since 2013, having been deputy coordinator since August 2010. She was awarded the 1998 Vitae de Artes Scholarship, the most important research award in Visual Arts at that time.

