«The social dimension of Connectography in the territory: sociology of absence or emancipation?»

«The social dimension of Connectography in the territory: sociology of absence or emancipation?»

Liliana Maria Villescas Guzman / Beatriz del Carmen Peralta Duque (Colombia) Table A – Persistences

This paper addresses, from a theoretical approach, the social and political dimension of Conectography as a trend based on the connectivity inherent to the global process of urbanization, but which in local territories manifests itself in a considerable digital divide. The method applied is historical-logical.

According to Professor Parag Khanna, 2017, connectivity has transformed the world into environments with high density of connections and communications. This trend allows strengthening government-citizen relations, political decentralization and facilitates meeting citizen demands.

In the framework of public policies, according to Müller (1997), they have a dominant character in terms of regulation (territoriality) and vertical global - sectoral reproduction of a sector (territory). In this sense, the digital transformation constitutes a challenge for the design and formulation of social public policy, since the public health problem caused by the Covid -19 evidenced the unequal appropriation of digital technology in Latin America and in general in developing countries, adjustment programs that were inferior to the crisis and exacerbated poverty in the region. In other words, public policy on open government and digital public innovation is still in its infancy.

The theoretical analysis provided has a gnoseological, ontological and axiological epistemic presupposition, the information is interpreted and political values of social inclusion or exclusion in local territories are identified. The method is historical-logical, the milestones of digital technologies, their operation and their development in recent years are located in time line in order to recognize possible traces and dynamics of the Conectography in the regional space of Colombia. The unit of work integrates the theory of the Conectography, studies on the social policies and technological revolution in Latin America and Colombia.

