Juan Canola

Juan Canola


Master in digital arts from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Audiovisual and multimedia communicator from the University of Antioquia. Professor of film editing at the same university. Film editor and creator of experimental audiovisual pieces and video installations. Creator of A Random Film, a program that allows random film editing in real time.  He began his audiovisual training with Chilean filmmaker Dunav Kuzmanich with the workshop "From the idea to the realization". 

Won the India Catalina award for best editor for the editing of the documentary Ciudades a Contraluz. Editor of the short film Tierra Mojada. Selection Sundance Festival, Clermont-Ferrand Festival and Selection at the Venice International Film Festival; editor of La Noche Resplandece Best Short Film at the Vancouver International Latin American Film Festival and the documentary El segundo entierro de Alejandrino, awarded at the Guadalajara International Film Festival and the Cartagena International Film Festival.

