Jorge Haro
Argentina / Spain
a>v 2.0, in its audiovisual concert format, is a work that integrates sound and image from a synesthetic perspective. The audio pieces -experimental electronics produced with pieces of hardware, different types of software and programming languages- are part of two record editions, a>v (2012) and a>v 2.0 | online ep (2014), published by the Epsa Music label and available on iTunes. Amazon, Spotify, etc.
Argentine music critic Norberto Cambiasso published the following review of a>v on his blog Esculpiendo Milagros:
”a>v, the new work by Jorge Haro, offers a meticulous study of the transience and persistence of sounds. An exercise in contrasts and continuities, of gradual alterations and abrupt intrusions, of deep silences and synthetic roars, of elongated plateaus in the shape of a drone and steep cliffs of piercing noise. An extended timbre palette of sensory stimuli whose secret order defies the listener's efforts to reveal it (...)”
Images, produced by computer in real time, are integrated into audio based on the idea of expanded listening, sound visualization, and data transformation processes. From the aesthetic point of view, the geometry, the use of particle systems and the alternation of compositions in 2 and 3D stand out.
a>v 2.0 has a lighting system based on the use of a system of leds in synchrony with the image and sound. This work, in the process of permanent transformation, has been presented, in its different versions, since 2009 in halls, museums, festivals and cultural centers in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Spain, Germany, Holland, Poland, Czech Republic and Finland.
a>v 2.0 is developed with a 4.1 sound system (double crossed stereo with subwoofers or four independent channels with subwoofers depending on the case), plus a projection system made up of one, two or three projectors and their respective screens.