Ivar Rocha / Ivonne Villamil
Brazil / Colombia
Project by artists Ivar Rocha (BRA) and Ivonne Villamil (COL). It began in 2017 with the intention of translating from Portuguese to Spanish the book "La Doctrina Anarquista al Alcance de Todos" by José Oiticica. From the translation exercise, the project expanded taking shape in different scenarios and countries. It is currently in residence at Massapê_Projetos, São Paulo Brazil. It has been presented in events such as: 16th Festival Asimtria 2021, Cusco; XIV edition of FESTIVAL TSONAMI 2020, Valparíso; INDAGAR LO PROPIO, 2019, as part of the XIII Havana Biennial, ISA, University of the Arts, Havana; HEMI-ENCUENTRO Feria Independiente de publicaciones, 2019, UNAM, Mexico City; FIRST PART, 2018, Getúlio Vargas Memorial, Rio de Janeiro; SIMBÓLICA, 2018 Curated by Shannon Botelho, Getulio Vargas Memorial, Rio de Janeiro; SABERES E FAZERES NO ENSINO DAS ARTES VISUAIS workshop, Colegio Pedro II, Rio de Janeiro.