Introduction to the art and technique of telematic music

Introduction to the art and technique of telematic music

This 2-hour workshop, presented in Spanish, English or both depending on the needs of the attendees, will have four sections. The first three will include demonstrations and presentations, as well as time for questions from attendees: 1) A brief overview of the field of telematic (networked) music performance; 2) A brief introduction to current tools for sending/receiving audio and video over the Internet with ultra-low latency; and 3) A brief summary of the artistic and production methods that we will use in a telematic concert the following night (May 30). For the last section (4) of the workshop, we will invite attendees who can bring a laptop with headphones and a webcam to download and install free apps (Sonobus for audio and Video Ninja for video), and together we will lead explorations and experiments with the software.








