benign insolence

benign insolence

Jose Antonio Dorado and Daniel Escobar

The work "Insolencias Benignas" is part of the exhibition "Augusto Rivera, The Great Absentee"; proposes a revision through a free and artistic appropriation of biographical and museographic fragments of the Colombian painter Augusto Rivera (1922-1982).
The interactive exhibition seeks the active participation of the visitor, providing an interactive meeting space filled with sounds, paintings, photographic and cinematographic images. The creation and reuse in the field of plastics is explored in the alternatives of the expanded documentary, to pay homage within the new sensitive explorations to a sudden artist, who used to paint on canvases, walls, tablecloths, napkins, plates, shells of egg etc
Rivera, like other artists such as Botero, Grau and Obregón, over time suffered a double death: physical and oblivion. The exhibition "Augusto Rivera, the great absentee" was selected to be presented at the La Tertulia Museum in October 2018. These works are products of the investigations "Spoken portrait of Augusto Rivera" and "Spoken portrait, second phase", winners of the call of the Vice-Rector for Research of the Universidad del Valle.
