«Virtual influencers and their affective and narrative potential on TikTok»
Andrés Rosero (Colombia) Table C – Connectographies
The purpose of this research is the study and conceptualization of virtual influencers in the social network TikTok, specifically, it is proposed that they have an affective and narrative potential within the social network, at the same time that they can be methodological resources for research, as is the case of this study.
For this purpose, an avatar was created and introduced in the social network in order to analyze interactions with users such as likes, comments, questions and answers, among others.
These interactions are correlated with each other taking into account a series of factors such as the affective charge of the emojis used by the users and the themes in the comments. The result of this research contributes to the conceptualization of the virtual influencer and effectively establishes it as a narrative and affective actor, as well as a potential methodological resource in research processes in the context of social networks and digital humanities.