

Yeison Loaiza (Colombia)

Within the investigative focus of the archive and the intervention, in addition to memory as a creative incentive and anthropological contribution, the objective was to restore images belonging to a key period of the country, from the end of 1993, when the armed conflict persisted and intensified. The audio and sound editing and restoration of the tape was used to generate a universe that would return to an atmosphere of the 90's.

The manual artistic intervention of some stills, function as an aesthetic development and cohesive to the author's intentions which narrates from the assembly to the same family in a common celebration in the countryside.

An advisory and focus group method was used during the development of the work, which emerged as an exercise for a film workshop without a camera, organized by the Municipal Cinematheque of Medellin in charge of the filmmakers Daniel Cortes and Tomas Campuzano.

