Natural Imaginaries

Natural Imaginaries

Yolima Sánchez Royo – Johan Mateo Sepúlveda Malaver – Isabella Figueredo Giraldo – Sofía Álzate Sánchez – Yulieth Herrera Ramírez


The exhibition arose in Manizales as an initiative to promote the recognition and appreciation of the biological, cultural and artistic heritage of the city. It focuses on collective memory as a fundamental resource that links people with their environment and promotes the conservation of natural heritage.

Through a transmedia installation, which combines various media and platforms such as audiovisual, literature, music and digital technologies, it seeks to create an immersive and multisensory experience.

This interactive and participatory narrative, which uses augmented reality, illustration and audiovisual communication, actively involves the community in the construction of its identity, its own history and contributes to the preservation of its valuable heritage for future generations.
