Illustrations Nexus Magazine

Illustrations Nexus Magazine

Still image
Andres Reina Gutierrez / Colombia

The illustrations for the Nexus magazine are, according to the direction of the publication, aesthetic explorations to support the various themes contained in it, without major commitments to the text. Under this broad and respectful scheme with the contributions of the image, the illustrations take fundamental elements of the articles as their starting point, with great freedom. The cover, for example, is based on one of the magazine's internal explorations, where some design parameters of objects related to certain socio-economic practices are reviewed, such as cane-cutting instruments.

This general idea produces as a conceptual guide the exploration of the hand as an enabler of action and construction of material culture. On the cover, the machete is replaced by a more risky cultural reference: the light-saber used by the Jedi knights of the scientific-mythological world created by George Lucas, for Star Wars, the conceptual exploration of the cover was therefore based on a mixture of chirographic and technographic exploration, simulating properties of said weapon.
