

Maša Jazbec, Floris Erich Arden and Hiroo Iwata / Japan, Netherlands                  
University of Tsukuba


idMirror is an interactive installation which was previously demonstrated at Ars Electronica 2015 and at the ACM CHI 2016. In this paper we describe the idMirror installation from four viewpoints: Conceptual (introduction), development (section 2), technical (section 3) and the collected data analysis (section 4). The paper also presents our study of the idMirror installation participants' emotional reactions on the idMirror installation. Artists can certainly play a role in educating the public in the sense of encouraging critical thinking about the access and use of their data. Big data that includes visual social media, is a new artistic form that has recently become popular. The idMirror project can serve as an example of how we can use social media data to create aesthetic representations and experiences. This paper elaborates upon our earlier work, published as an extended abstract as part of the ACM CHI 2016 proceedings [1].
