Gustavo Costa
Born in Porto, 1976. He studied percussion, music technology, sonology, Composition and musical theory. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Digital. Media in FEUP, Porto on the subject of expressiveness and interactivity in computer music His work as a musician and composer is based on Subterranean counterculture, improvised and electroacoustic music. He has Extensively reproduced and recorded in Europe, the United States, Japan, Brazil. and Lebanon with John Zorn Cobra, Mark Stewart, Fritz Hauser, Alfred Harth, Arthur Doyle, Jamie Saft, Damo Suzuki or Steve Mackay, among many others. He is currently an assistant professor at the University of Aveiro, Portugal.
dysfunctional robotic orchestra
A sonoscopy project.
Phobos is a set of small robots and automatic music-generating devices that form a Dysfunctional Robotic Orchestra, an orchestra with strangers Instruments with defects, genetic mutations and erratic behavior. Phobos represents a critique of technological overlay on humans thought, the role of work and modern forms of slavery, as well as a historical retrospective of the various attempts at human liberation through The machines, their technological utopias, the advances and setbacks of freedoms. Its name comes from Greek mythology, where Phobos is the incarnation of fear, and it is also the name of the largest moon of Mars, doomed to disappear Due to the proximity of its orbit to the planet.
- Conception and artistic direction: Gustavo Costa.
- New instruments by: Henrique Fernandes, Gustavo Costa, Alberto Lopes
- Guest musicians and instrument makers: Thierry Madiot, Vincent Martial and Hanna Hartmann
- Programming and robotics: Tiago Ângelo and João Menezes.
- Composition: Carlos Guedes, Rui Dias, José Alberto Gomes and Gustavo Coast
- Scenographic Design: Igor Gandra (Ferro Theatre)
- Video: Michael C. Tavares
- Executive production: Patrícia Caveiro.
- Production: sonoscopy.
- Technical assistance: Digitopia.
- Logistical support: Teatro de Ferro.
- Partners: GNRation, NYU Abu Dhabi, CCVF, Ílhavo Cultural Center and Bons Sons Festival.