Gabriel Curti

Gabriel Curti


Cultural producer. Postgraduate degree in cultural management at Senac São Paulo (2018/2019). Graduated as an architect at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Catholic University of Santos (2012). Executive producer of several cultural projects with partnerships and autonomous collaborations with different producers, produced several visual arts exhibitions inside and outside Brazil, with emphasis on: AI WEIWEI RAIZ (CCBB BH and RJ | Museu Oscar Niemeyer, Curitiba | Oca, Parque do

Ibirapuera, São Paulo) / ANISH KAPOOR SURGE | (CorpArtes, Santiago de Chile and Fundación PROA, Buenos Aires) Japan House São Paulo (first year of exhibitions to consolidate the cultural center) / Resistir é Preciso (CCBB SP / BH / RJ / DF) / X Bienal de Architecture of São Paulo Paulo / ELLES: Women Artists in the Collection of the Pompidou Center (CCBB RJ / BH).
