Francisco Navarrete Sitja
Francisco Navarrete Sitja (1986, Santiago de Chile) has a degree in Visual Arts from the University of Chile (2009). Currently, Master in Visual Arts from the University of Chile (2015) and teacher within the same institution. Navarrete has been awarded various scholarships for photographic, videographic and media research and creation; Workshop and national and international viewings; prizes for site-specific projects, artistic residences and other initiatives related to the production of work and field work. His creative work and artistic processes are identified with the margins and dislocations of the photographic paradigm; intermediate space in which contemporary practices linked to digital re-presentation, symbolic mediation of the binary numerical image and experimentation with technical media reproduction devices are juxtaposed and overlap. Hence –through certain hybridizations, superimpositions, material displacements, intertextualities, formal simulations and various crosses between the pictorial imaginary, photographic apparatus and cinematographic lighting–, it addresses problems related to the symbolization, configuration and representation of our environment.