Enrique Franco Lizarazo

Enrique Franco Lizarazo


For some time there has been talk of "expanded cinema", the use of "found footage" and "live cinema" or "live montage", artistic expressions that seek to broaden the experience of the viewer and author using multiple resources that go beyond of the traditional narrative. Thanks to digital technologies, a wide variety of flexible and expressive audiovisual systems have been developed based on gestural control, dynamic visual representation (video, animation), real-time sound and image processing and synthesis, and communication technologies. Such systems make it possible to reconfigure the relationships between image, sound and control, and are fundamental for the creation and realization of expressive audiovisual compositions and products. Audiovisual works become ephemeral and break with the linearity of traditional cinema, transforming the narrative into something circumstantial, thanks to techniques and strategies such as real-time editing, live video, drawing, painting, mixing and remixing, the processing and generation of images, and the intervention of the public. It is making films outside of the cinema, it is something fleeting, unrepeatable and collaborative.




