Community muralism in a disconnected society.

Community muralism in a disconnected society.

Community muralism is part of the historical process of cities in permanent regeneration. They represent a permanent dialogue between the creator of the mural: the community and the muralist as facilitator, and a dynamic receiver: the passerby who interacts with the mural, interprets it, discusses it and creates networks of meaning, with himself, with the creator and with your environment. 

The creation of community murals faces three challenges: offering those who participate a safe space where they can contribute freely; create a concept in which the vision of the community takes precedence over the ego of the muralist; make the mural a meeting and reflection point, and an opportunity for transformation for the community in general.

These dynamics, the ability to be the voice of subjects full of historicity who have much to say but who are not listened to, and the impact of the living mural on the daily life of a constantly changing society that needs to be learned and valued, are what give the community mural its transformative power. 

"The Wisdom Mural", created by Claudia in 2021, collects the teachings of 10 indigenous grandparents and cultural protectors from the five continents about their ancestral relationship with Nature. Dramatically transforming the environment, this 173-square-meter community mural is an invitation to rethink our relationship with Mother Nature. It is also an invitation to muralists around the world to be part of the "Wisdom Mural Movement" by creating their own "Wisdom Mural".
