the mystery of the flowers

the mystery of the flowers

Throughout his research, Michael Hurtado understands the interaction between human and machine not as a confrontation, but as a symbiotic collaboration, a dance between natural and machine intelligence. He embarks on a journey towards a convergence that is perceived to be unattainable, but which inevitably invites exploration. In the mystery of the flowers, the AI immerses itself in the botanical world, producing dynamic mutations of the landscape from the interaction with its plant elements. The natural environment is taken as a starting point, to be expanded and mutate as a constantly changing set of shapes and figures.

In programming, Hurtado finds a new poetic language, an alphabet that unfolds in infinite creative possibilities. The poetry of this time, in his perspective, is that which is written in code. In this language of ones and zeros, the borders between the author and the machine are blurred, a writing that is both a producer and a product of human experience is configured.
