"The end of the story"

"The end of the story"

Carlos Alfonso Vargas Cuesta (Colombia)

El Fin de la Historia is the pilot in podcast format, a collective creation whose purpose is to encourage reflection on heritage, history and identity, where from the thematic appropriation of young high school students, a scenario is proposed that transits between reality and fiction, articulating forms of enunciation or expression that raise collective imaginaries.

This first exploratory work is guided by teachers and students of the Graphic Design and Design of Spaces and Scenarios program of the Universidad Piloto de Colombia, with the collaboration of the Colegio Instituto Técnico Distrital Julio Flórez, and its specialties in tourism and hotel administration and multimedia design and integration, who make up the Iguaque seedbed, the school is located in the Suba district of the city of Bogota.
