The chronotope in the animated travel diary A Bakhtinian look at the movies: Madagascar, carnet de voyage, Amar and Viagem a Cabo Verde
The objective of this paper will be to address the way in which "the trip" is represented in the following animated travel diaries: Madagascar, carnet de voyage (Bastien Dubois, 2009), Amar (Isabel Herguera, 2010) and Viagem a Cabo Verde ( José Miguel Ribeiro, 2010). We will give priority to the analysis of the animated language used to make up these films.
The work will focus on the way in which the space-time dimension is located in animated travel diaries. For this, we will take up the contributions of Mijaíl Bajtín on the chronotope category and we will combine it with the sociosemiotic perspective of Eliseo Verón, on analysis in the production of meaning.
In the travel diary, the space-time variables are fundamental in the construction of the story, of what is "lived". Likewise, they function as testimony to document the trip, the transfer. These variables and the different procedures that generate different meaning effects will be analyzed in detail, which as a whole produce recognition of the product, defining it as a travel diary.
The objective will be to address the significance effects produced by the space-time dimension in the selected works. The way in which time and space are represented will allow us to address what signification processes are put into play. As well as, it will allow to evaluate its incidence in the construction of the documentary effect; the representation of the "I" (author, artist, animator) that is carried out in the newspaper; the look that is built on man and the world.
In summary, we will focus on the analysis of the space-time dimension to address what type of time is the one that is constructed, what signification processes occur inside and outside the documentary and in its circulation in the artistic field, taking into account the characteristics of animated language.
Author: Luciana Pinoti.