"Designing the world after the end of the world" A space for dialogue, thought and action to imagine the scenarios of the post-pandemic future.

"Designing the world after the end of the world"

A space for dialogue, thought and action to imagine the scenarios of the post-pandemic future.

The phenomenon of the global pandemic caused by the Covid 19 virus has generated an unprecedented moment in history. A kind of stopping of the world where everything has been suspended, causing a situation that forces us to reflect on the multiple aspects that make up our life in society.

Faced with this situation of global isolation, it is essential to strengthen social ties and connect with people willing to reflect and share experiences. Based on the work that we have been developing jointly between teaching and research institutions in art and design in Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Argentina, we propose to build a joint space for debate and discussion of projects that consider this new world scenario, which forces review the paradigms of the design field at all levels, developing new ideas on issues of urban design, communication, furniture, clothing, transportation, education, health, entertainment. Thinking from Latin America to the world...


This event is organized by SHIFT, a hypermedia platform directed by:
Cleomar Rocha/ Director of MediaLab Brasil /Brazil https://www.medialab.ufg.br/n/89635-media-lab-br

Philip Londono/ Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design of Utadeo/Colombia https://www.utadeo.edu.co/es/facultad/artes-y-diseno

daniel cruz / Academic Director of the Faculty of Arts of the U. de Chile / MAM Master of Media Arts. University of Chile http://www.artesmediales.uchile.cl/

martin groisman/ Director of the Master in Interactive Design/ FADU UBA/ Argentina http://maedi.com.ar/
