«Unveiling the patriarchalization of Design. Vestiges of gender biases and domination in project activity»

«Unveiling the patriarchalization of Design. Vestiges of gender biases and domination in project activity»

Adriana Castrillón Arango (Colombia) Table A – Persistences

Knowledge is assumed since the beginning of modernity, placing it from the postulates of Galileo Galilei, as the construct of human thoughts and experiences, acquired through the scientific method, which manages to get rid of subjectivity to abstract a reality and communicate it universally.

In this knowledge a separation of subject and object is assumed, that is, knowledge lacks corporeality and is not the reflection of the culture of the beings that have created it.

Feminist epistemology identifies that there is subjectivity in science and criticizes its permeability to colonialist and patriarchal thinking; it uncovers sexist and racist biases and identifies the connection between knowledge and power, recognizing that the legitimization of truth claims are intimately linked to networks of domination and exclusion.

Design as a discipline and tool of industrialization, inherited biases of modern science that were established in networks of domination as a foundation of the capitalist system. From a critical analysis, from an intersectional point of view, the matrix of domination is proposed to identify possible networks of exclusion and patriarchalization in which design is linked.

This resource emerges as a precise methodology to consider a design epistemology that aims to dismantle its own biases and mitigate the subjugation of planetary bodies.

