Demian Schopf

Demian Schopf


Demian Schopf (*Frankfurt am Main, 1975) is a Chilean visual artist, essayist and university professor born in exile. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Universidad Arcis (1998) (BFA), Master of Arts with mention in Visual Arts (2002) (MA) from the Universidad de Chile, Doctor of Philosophy with mention in aesthetics and art theory (2015) (PhD) from the Universidad de Chile. In 2017 he conducted postdoctoral research on cluster analysis in analytic philosophy and computer science at the Art Institute of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Between 2002 and 2004 he completed a Fellowship at the Academy of Media Arts-Cologne with a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). In 2013 he completed a residency at the Zentrum Für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM) in Karlsruhe, Germany. In 2007 he won the Altazor award for his work Máquina Cóndor, in 2009 one of the VIDA: Arte e Inteligencia Artificial (Fundación Telefónica, Madrid) awards for his work Máquina de Coser and in 2013 the Juan Downey Award by the XI Bienal de Artes Mediales in Santiago, Chile. In 2022 and 2023 he was nominated for the CIFO-Ars Electronica award. In 2023 he was nominated for the Grand Prix Ars Electronica. His works have been exhibited collectively and individually in Chile and abroad. He is currently working on his artistic projects, writes fiction stories and regularly publishes critical articles in university magazines and books in Chile and abroad.



