L. Cortés, J. Patarroyo, T. Pérez, E. Sánchez
exploratory papers
We are part of the project Mending the New: A Framework for Reconciliation Through Testimonial Digital Textiles in the Transition to Post-Conflict Rural Colombia. We compose a transdisciplinary team that gathers an engineer, a digital artist, an anthropologist and a textile designer.
Laura Cortes-Rico is an electronic engineer who researches in the field of Human Computer Interaction, specifically, in tangible interfaces; she works as an auxiliary professor at Universidad Militar Nueva Granada since 2017.
Jaime Patarroyo is a Colombian designer and artist interested in the relationship between human behavior and digital technologies. He creates interactive objects and installations that explore new and different ways of expanding or transforming the body and its senses. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the School of Architecture and Design at Universidad de Los Andes.
Tania Perez-Bustos works as an associate professor at the school of gender studies at Universidad Nacional of Colombia and has been studying the material knowledge dialogues between textile handcrafts and digital technologies for the past six years.
Eliana Sanchez-Aldana is a designer, a weaver, and a feminist. She works as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Universidad de Los Andes. She researches-makes textiles in the becoming-together of the human and more-than-human when weaving.