Mutant Correspondences
Semillero Cine y Género: Ana María Angarita Cubillos – Mariana Jimenez Velez – Valentina Giraldo Sanchez – Grecit Juliana Uribe Gamboa – Catalina Quintero Rivera – Adriana Herrera Bocanegra – Laura Sofía Amezquita – Valentina Arias Rojas – Juana Valentina Argaez – Luisa Fernanda Puerto – Daniela Henao Alvarez. Coordinación: Catalina Cortés Severino – Juana Shlenker Monsalve – Diana Martinez Muñoz
This research-creation project investigates the different effects that quarantine has had on us, our bodies and our relationship with others, human and non-human. An exercise of correspondences is proposed as an expanded ethnographic practice in which visual, sound and textual assemblages are made possible, around themes such as the everyday, domestic space, care practices, the change of new ways of doing and being, virtuality and memory.