Constanza Piña Pardo
Visual Artist and Contemporary Dance Performer.
Born in Curicó-, 1984. Visual artist, contemporany dance performer and researcher, focused on experimentation with electronic media, free technologies and DIWO methodologies. Graduated in Art at the Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaíso. She studied independent studies in contemporary dance and a Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Dance at Escenalborde (Artes Escénicas Contemporáneas)/ Universidad de Valparaíso. Afterwards, she completed a Specialization in Video and Digital Technologies Online/Offline at the Escuela Superior de Diseño ESDI (MeCAd/Media Center d'Art i disseny, Spain) and a Master in Media Arts at the Universidad de Chile. Postítulo en Artes Mediales en la Universidad de Chile y Diplomado de Especialización en Video y Tecnologías Digitales online/offline en la Escuela Superior de Diseño ESDI (MECAD/Media Center d‘Art I Disseny) España.
Her artistic proposals are presented in various formats integrating dance, installation, sound performance and social practices.Her work reflects on the role of machines in our culture and the human-technological units, questioning the academy, capitalism and techno-heteropatriarchy as opposition to open knowledge, autonomy and enhancement of technical manual work.
Interested in recycling, hardware hacking, soft-circuits, DIY Antennas, handicrafts synths and electronic wizardry, generates her sound project Corazón de Robota (She-Robot Heart) with synthesizers DIY, where she explores the field of audible and inaudible frequencies as physical perceptions, vibrations as cosmic messages, noise and arrhythmia.
Her work has been part of international festivals and spaces as Marginalia+lab, Nuvem y FILE (Brasil), C.C. Simón I Patiño y Kiosko Galería (Bolivia), Ljudmila, RampaLab (Eslovenia), Cerocinco (Paraguay), Laboratorio de juguete, Flexible, Museo del traje, Museo del Juguete, CCBA, FASE (Argentina), PIKSEL (Noruega), Museum of Fine Art Boston, Video Sur II (US), Boom-Chix-A-Boom #6, Perte de Signal, Eastern Bloc (Canadá), Museo de Antioquia, Congreso de Mujeres, Tecnología y Cultura libre, Bogotrax, Plataforma Bogotá, Museo de Arte moderno, Selvatorio, Platohedro (Colombia), Labsurlab, Cosmoaudición CAC, Medialab Cuenca (Ecuador), TECHNE.11 (Uruguay), FIDET, Interface, Deformes, Danzalborde, Tsonami (Chile) La inventoría FabLab, CINNO, La Jauría (Costa Rica) La casa Tomada (El Salvador) Yantra y Festival Gradiente (Guatemala), Cenart, Centro de Cultura Digital, CCEMX, MedialabMX (México) EEII’12, Radiona (Croacia) Pixelache (Finlandia-Estonia), Hangar, Medialab Prado (España) Databaz, Apo33, Emmetrope, Bandits-Mages (Francia) NK project (Alemania) Studio Loos, Sotu fest (Holanda) Festival Open-Close (Polonia), Frowntails (Grecia), Asim’tria (Perú), Crack fest (Italia) Menulab (República Checa), Slut Island, Perte de Signal, Studio XX, Eastern Bloc (Montreal), Iklektic (UK), LIWOLI, Onomatopoesie, Tresor, Ars Electronica (Austria), Labkilllab (Taiwan).
She is currently part and founding member of several queer collectives and women’s groups as Híbridas y Quimeras: Women in sound and electronic experimentation, F*ck the soundcheck: Against sexist violence in soundchecks and she is founder of the Cyborgrrrls: TechnoFeminist Meeting celebrate every March in Mexico City (2017-2021).
She has been awarded an Honorary Mention | Prix Ars Electronica 2020 Interactive Art for her Khipu / Computador Prehispánico Electrotextil project.
Constanza embody the philosophy of free culture, electronic anarchy, nomadism and techno-feminism her research on synthesizers handmade and electrotextiles can be seen documented on her blog