

Esteban Betancur – Jessica Rodríguez / Colombia – Mexico


What do those places in the city that we usually inhabit hide? Can we rediscover them through reflection? Let's rediscover Manizales, but from listening. The concept of soundscape –soundscape– was shaped by Murray Schaffer at the end of the 60's, defined as the set of everything that sounds and surrounds us. In this workshop we are going to learn to listen, understand, discuss and explore the expression potential of urban soundscapes, their relationship with heritage, cultural practices and traditions, opening the doors to field recording, which also today nowadays it is possible from almost any mobile device.
It is not necessary for those interested to have previous experience or technological resources other than a mobile phone, although the contributions that attendees want to bring to the workshop, such as cameras, computers, portable recorders, headphones and microphones, are welcome, since they will enhance the work and the joint learning.
