Cesar David Martinez

Cesar David Martinez



Photographer specialized in nature, environment and heritage, with 21 years of experience, publications in 28 large format photography books and numerous publications. He works with Villegas Editores, Semana Magazine, El Espectador, Cromos, MNR Ediciones, the Bogotá Botanical Garden, the Humboldt Institute, and others. His photographic work has been awarded 35 national and international prizes, including 15 first places.

His work in nature photography has been published in the books "Agua, Riqueza de Colombia", "Flying Colombia Paisajes", "Orquídeas, Especies de Colombia", "Colombia en Flor", "Colombia, Megadiverso country" and "Colombia, Biodiversity Paradise”. He has traveled 31 departments of Colombia in search of their treasures, heritage and natural destinations.
