Cesar Castiblanco Laurada

Cesar Castiblanco Laurada


Professional of the Communications Team at CHEC EPM Group.
Research Associate at MinCiencias
Publicist from Universidad de Palermo (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Specialist in International Business Management from Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano (Colombia). Master in Business and Institutional Communication Management from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain).

Author of works in Arts, Architecture and Design - AAD (New Knowledge) as well as Technological Development and Innovation products: policies, assignment agreements of copyrighted works and distinctive signs, among others.

He works as a Professional of the Communications team at CHEC Grupo EPM where he accompanies the processes of brand reputation, corporate citizenship, participatory relationship with the "Community" interest group and support in communications to the commercial area.


Exhibitions: life moves us
